Hey! what’s Kanme reading? Wednesday : 01/22/2025

Hey, what’s Kanme reading?  

Wednesday : 01/22/2025 

What’s Kanme reading? Posted every Wednesday Team Kanme Creatives team is here to get you over the weekday blues because we all  love comics! It’s true! And we really love Indie comics. Indies offer the most diverse and fearless storytelling among comics, why? Because we can! We are always inspired by the community around us and we want to start recognizing the comics we love to read. 


Our first recommendation from the Team Kanme is: 



The Bookshelf Ghost  Creator : PandaPaw9  

The Bookshelf Ghost

What we know :  Read the story of a (totally normal) teenage boy named Conner Harrison as he deals with an overly cheerful and (sometimes) annoying ghost who will do anything for attention. 

What we love: This is another comic where the art style is absolutely adorable, and uses warm, cozy colors for the palette. The story of Boy meets Ghost is like the art, well also adorable, even if Christie the Ghost annoys the brooding Conner, still damn cute! I love my supernatural romances!  I’m interested in where this comic is going,  as the last episode left off when the exploration of the Spirit Realm. I checked this out on Webtoon, the comic started in September and I think you should add it to your TBR list! It updates every 2nd saturday.  



Last Hour Creator:  DerpSea Fish  

Last Hour 

What we know :  

What we love: This comic was an editor’s weekly choice at NamiComi, and WOW they were right to choose it! I love reading Indie comics that get me excited about the art style and story, so much so I get sensory overload when I see comics like Last Hour. My brain goes all fizzily (not a real word) /overly excited when I read it. The tagline is a great hook, the story is cinematic in the story-telling and the artwork is pro-level. I say this often, but it’s true! There are some awesome Indies who can compete with the mainstream hands down. That’s why I stopped reading mainstream industry stuff. You can almost see Last Hour as an animation as you read it. I double checked on wt to see if this comic was there too and it is, at both platforms it’s criminal that there aren’t more subs. While I supported it at NamiComi, you can read it on WT too.  



Part-time Adventurer Creator : Hueso Toxico  

Part Time Adventurer

What we know : The “Players”, people with unique abilities, protected the world from evil as adventurers… but that was in the past. Nowadays, being an adventurer has become a hobby, with only those who seek fame and glory take it seriously. Daniel Gibson, a 29-year-old receptionist at an adventurers’ guild, lives an uneventful life until a small event changes his reality forever. 

 What we love: I prefacing my review with a note: I moved this comic up in my schedule to address a situation that caught my attention. I spend a lot of time telling new Comic Creators how to promo their comics, one being posting regularly on social media like Reddit, when this Creator posted their art/comic in the WT subreddit, it brought out the worse from the Redditor shadows, and I for one am heartbroken  to hear that Creators get bullied for their comics/art style. I won’t go into detail, but what this Redditor said was uncalled for and out of line for this Great hidden treasure of a comic.  Art is subjective, you see weekly that I have an eclectic taste in styles and stories I recommend here. I can name quite a few artists in the mainstream that I love, and that  goes for Indies as well, I was the kid who went to the comic book store and bought the weirdest unknown comics  in the back of the store, I was never a DC/Marvel type I was Love and Rockets and Tank Girl (when those were pretty obscure in the Midwest US) but also comics like Kid Anarchy, I still am that kid, except the world is my comic book store. I wanted to express that I love the braveness and creativity of Indie Comic creator community, be they Webtoon or Global Comix, and so on, your work is just as valid and culturally relevant to me as any Will Eisner comic I’ve read. I made this blog for comics like Part Time Adventurer and Creators like this! Now, this is what I love about this comic! This video game- DND inspired comic had me laughing when I saw a Side OC wearing Crocks! I about fell out of my chair, he’s fighting zombie monsters in a pair of Crocks! I included a screencap of said Crocks. The comic layout is clean, the art is great- especially the monsters and their designs, this artist has some great original OC designs in general including different body styles and the storytelling is easy to jump into and have some fun with.  I read the whole comic and I think it should have way more subs, it’s good! Head over to WT and sub now! 




Royal : Prince of Magic  Creator : Bobbyjoe X  


What we know : Junior Royal is a magi (a magic human) who has just entered North Academy for the Supernatural and Technologically gifted, a university meant to work with supernaturals and geniuses. Just as the campus year starts, Junior is targeted for his magical powers and is plunged down into the syndicated underbelly that the academy is covering up. Junior’s only question is if he isn’t the only one who can control magic, what makes him so special? 


What we love: This was prompted directly by GC on their app, I thought the title sounded really interesting and glad my curiosity took hold, these beefy issues have a lot to read and  it was well worth sitting down and having a good read when you’ve got the time, I’m making my way through the series slowly. The first issue captured my attention while being funny it got deathly serious quickly. Now I know that magic school stories are a huge genre, there is lots of variety and I always like to see what the alternatives are to a ‘Certain’ block buster Magic School book series, I’d rather read an indie and support the community. The art improves as the story progresses, I look forward to catching up on all  23 comic issues.  I read it of course on Global Comix!  

 Thanks for reading!!

As always send me your comics!









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