Hey! what’s Kanme reading? Wednesday : 12/25/2024

Hey, what’s Kanme reading?  

Wednesday : 12/25/2024 

 What’s Kanme reading? Posted every Wednesday Team Kanme Creatives team is here to get you over the weekday blues because we all  love comics! It’s true! And we really love Indie comics. Indies offer the most diverse and fearless storytelling among comics, why? Because we can! We are always inspired by the community around us and we want to start recognizing the comics we love to read. 

 Happy Christmas! Here’s your Comic treats to check out over the holiday break!  

Our first recommendation from the Team Kanme is: 


Master Arts Creator : Izuku_Blue1234 

Master Arts

What we Know:  A young boy, Kai, sets off on an adventure a few years after his parents passed and sister went missing to take part in the island challenges in hopes of becoming a Master artist. Through his journey he discovers the underlying secrets of the island challenges and what truly happened to his family, in the meantime there are a group of villains that are plotting something ominous while the island challenges are taking place.

What we Love:  Quite an interesting concept at the center of this comic. While there’s a battle competition for Master Artist with all the young competitors having strange and unusual powers called “arts” here. There is a deep mystery and darkness surrounding not just the lead OC’s past but all around him in his present. The art does a really beautiful glow-up as you continue through the series. You can sub on Webtoon!   


I’m Mortal Creator :  J Lovelace

I’m mortal 

What we Know:  A story about a reaper who pretends to be a mortal, just so that he can hang out with his oblivious human friend. How long will he be able to pretend?

What we Love:  I’ve been on a kick with stories about Reapers, with different afterlife journeys but what about Reaper with a life journey?? So well done, clear pro comic level art and written and drawn at times quite moving in some chapters between the two MLs. You’re just rooting for them!  I’m just now digging into the over 100 episodes  on NamiComi, so if you’ve got time over your break come over here and binge read it, See why it won A NamiComic gold treasure award but do remember to give it a sub!  


Shany’s Search Creator : Farsawir  

Shany’s Search 

 What we Know: Shany lives in the world of the supernatural but finds there is more beneath the surface 

What we Love: This is an underrated comic that must be seen! Crisp, elegant and highly professional art that would put several mega popular WT Originals to shame. I was really blown away and frankly overwhelmed and humbled by this absolutely gorgeous well written comic. Head over to webtoon and give this hidden gem a sub!



 There’s a Bus beyond the veil Creator : Joey Crow Comics  

There’s a bus 

What we Know:  When a death reaper who cares too much about life to take it away, encounters a guardian angel who has given up on saving lives… What could go wrong? And how will this encounter affect the destiny of a human girl, who will in turn decide the fate of the spirit world as we know it? A story about a death reaper and an angel… who are just terrible at their jobs! What goes on beyond the veil, where all our collective beliefs are real? A dodgy bus service, confusing file rooms, bureaucracy… A story told between worlds, between moments, between intentions and words.

What we Love: Sticking with our theme of reapers this is yet another unique look into the afterlife journey with Reapers, Angels and a reality beyond our own. I thought it was a pretty cool story great OC designs and I loved the title. I hope the Creator keeps on publishing pages. I read it on GlobalComix. 


Next week’s blog will be a list and link of every comic we featured in 2024 so you can catch up on any of them you missed!  Happy Holidays and as always, send us your comics!! 














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