Category: Blog
249 results.
Happy Valentines Day from Janto Kanme
By Yam on February 14, 2023 at 11:38 am
Happy Valentines Day from Satomi Kawasaki and Kiyoshi Nagai!
TagsKanme Studios’ YouTube
By Yam on February 11, 2023 at 8:36 pm
Hey all. We’ve been busy expanding our brand into different places. We’ve had this youtube channel for a while but it’s fallen under the cracks. With our new pursuits into video media we are utilizing this channel. We invite you to follow us as we’ll put preview videos of our comics, discussion from Yam and other creatives and various shorts of Yam being silly. Follow the link and we hope you enjoy our content
Tags2nd Chapter of Janto Kanme release date!
By Yam on February 10, 2023 at 3:30 pm
Hey all, we wanted to share with you the release date of Janto Kanme. We’ll be releasing the 2nd chapter here first on Kanme Studio on Friday February 24th. We plan to release the comic on other comic hosting sites on March 24th where you’ll be able to read the full chapter upon release. For Gumroad folks you’ll be able to get the full chapter ahead of everyone else so try not to spoil it heh. We’ll post some preview pages here on the site to get you ready for the next chapter of Janto Kanme!
TagsWe’re on a New social media platform!
By Yam on February 5, 2023 at 2:23 pm
Hey all, we’ve expanded our social media reach into new territory. We now are on Tiktok and will be posting videos regarding our comics, shorts/vids, Yam’s cats, food, and occasionally Yam. Follow this link to follow us!
TagsRelease date of Boom Shaka Chp 3 on Kanme Studios
By Yam on February 4, 2023 at 3:58 pm
Hey all. We wanted to share details of the release date of Boom Shaka chp 3. We plan to release the next chapter in a couple of weeks on February 15th! Be sure to mark you calendar and we’ll see you then with more Boom Shaka! If you want to read ahead then head over to our gumroad and purchase the full book for 50% off, halfoffkanme
TagsJoin our Discord Community!
By Yam on at 11:45 am
Hey all we wanted to share with you all our discord! Follow the link to join our community and speak to Yam and other creatives! We have channels dedicated to our comics and channels dedicated to allow other creatives to post their comics and crowdfunding. We hope you drop on by!
TagsKanme Studio Announcement Regarding our Website!
By Yam on January 22, 2023 at 2:11 pm
Hello everyone Yam here. Today I would like to take the time to discuss an announcement we all have been waiting to share. During the course of this year and next we will begin to open our website to host comics, yes your comics! Not only are we working towards that but we want to create a place where creatives can socialize as well. So, in essence we are working towards a SM/creative platform; that’s still a long time away and it’ll cost money but for the time being we would like to invite creatives to beta test. So, this beta won’t really start until mid 2023, summertime, as we work out the kinks on our current site. We essentially want to test out the capabilities of our site and see how easy/difficult it is for our testers to post their comic. As more details become finite, we will share them with you and remind you all what we are […]
TagsReminder – Boom Shaka Discount Code still active!
By Yam on January 16, 2023 at 2:17 pm
A picture is worth a thousand words and this one is no different. Head over to our gumroad and use halfoffkanme to get half off of Boom Shaka! Take advantage of the deal while it lasts!
TagsBoom Shaka Chapter 3 on Gumroad with Discount code
By Yam on January 2, 2023 at 1:43 pm
Boom Shaka Chapter 3 is available on our gumroad store. If you’re interested in reading ahead, you can purchase it and get behind the scenes content. For the release of chapter 3 we have even included a %50 discount code for the first 25 people, so don’t wait and get your copy of Boom Shaka! Use Coupon Code: halfoffkanme
TagsHappy New Year 2023!
By Yam on January 1, 2023 at 2:05 pm
Hoping all of you have a great 2023!