Characters of Pawesome Gatitos
Don’t forget to pet the cats!

Dusty is the youngest cat of the trio. She is the daughter of Pam and is a skinny and long gray cat. She loves to lick and chew plastic bags, staring at the walls at night and going into the vents of Yam’s house. Dusty isn’t the smartest cat around and is very derpy and tends to get stuck under couches or cabinets. But overall she is a loving cat who loves head boops and pets on the head.
Dusty is the youngest cat of the trio. She is the daughter of Pam and is a skinny and long gray cat. She loves to lick and chew plastic bags, staring at the walls at night and going into the vents of Yam’s house. Dusty isn’t the smartest cat around and is very derpy and tends to get stuck under couches or cabinets. But overall she is a loving cat who loves head boops and pets on the head.
Likes: Plastic bags, staring at walls, playing and her humans.
Dislikes: The roomba.

Pam is the daughter of Flip and mother of dusty. Pam was taken away from Flip when she was a kitten by Yam and was eventually reunited with her mom. The first thing they did was fight one another. Pam is a very affectionate cat who loves her humans but she will fight in a moment’s notice. Pam loves her daughter Dusty but her derpy annoying self at times makes Pam want to twap her. Pam’s favorite food are cheetos and she will eat a whole mini bag by herself and sometimes get it stuck on her head. Pam is a chonky catcow who wants to be loved!
Pam is the daughter of Flip and mother of dusty. Pam was taken away from Flip when she was a kitten by Yam and was eventually reunited with her mom. The first thing they did was fight one another. Pam is a very affectionate cat who loves her humans but she will fight in a moment’s notice. Pam loves her daughter Dusty but her derpy annoying self at times makes Pam want to twap her. Pam’s favorite food are cheetos and she will eat a whole mini bag by herself and sometimes get it stuck on her head. Pam is a chonky catcow who wants to be loved!
Likes: Cheetos, humans & Chicken.
Dislikes: Flip & Water splashed on her.

Flip is the eldest cat of the trio and is the mother of Pam and grandma of Dusty. Flip hates both of them and they end up fighting often. Flip loves being adored, receiving pets and being groomed. She enjoys fancy cat food and loves to loaf around and rest like any other cat. She loves playing with hair ties and loves other people but not other cats, especially Pam and Dusty. Flip looks grumpy but she is loving if she likes you.
Flip is the eldest cat of the trio and is the mother of Pam and grandma of Dusty. Flip hates both of them and they end up fighting often. Flip loves being adored, receiving pets and being groomed. She enjoys fancy cat food and loves to loaf around and rest like any other cat. She loves playing with hair ties and loves other people but not other cats, especially Pam and Dusty. Flip looks grumpy but she is loving if she likes you.
Likes: Hair ties, Pets, Grooming, Fancy cat food, & pizza.
Dislikes: Other Cats.