Blog Update – Oct 30th What we’ve been up to lately.

Hey all,

It’s been a bit since we posted a blog update, so let’s get into it.

We did our first ever convention panel at AnimeUSA right in our backyard of the Washington DC. Metropolitan area. We enjoyed our time there and were able to meet some like minded creatives during our 2 hour panel. We definitely are looking forward to traveling to our next convention, sometime in 2023, so be on the look out for us at your local convention!

Janto Kanme – This week we will start to show the fanzine that many artists participated in April-May. We will post the cover here on our site and begin to post it on other social media platforms to help generate some traffic to our site.

Boom Shaka – Boom Shaka is moving forward with completing the rest of chapter 3. We have finished the first half of the 3rd chapter and are aiming to finish by the end of the year. We will keep you posted regarding our progress. We also will some halloween pictures to show off for Boom Shaka tomorrow! So stay tuned for that!

Luna Tide – We posted art on our social media of our new characters. We have not posted it here on our website. Again our focus has been building our social media presence with Luna Tide and getting the 1st chapter of the 3rd book done. We will add that content here and also pay some attention to our site, so it remains the place where you’ll see our content first.

Black Ice- Our newest comic is moving along and you can follow updates on their instagram. We hope to post the comic sometime before the year ends or early January 2023.

Fan comics – We have a few more ideas left before the year ends. We are also very close on our reddit to reaching 10K so this is content you can expect to see in the coming weeks that remain in 2022.

Outside of that we will talk to you later! Take care all!


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