Kanme Studios Spotlight #5 Kamourian King, Bwillett Comics, SaLi & Ash Kohari
Posted on July 31, 2023 at 8:20 pm by Yam
Welcome to another Kanme Studios spotlight where we highlight creatives from all sorts of media. Today I would like to introduce you to a few creatives that you should be on the watch for and few new additions to Kanme Studios. So, without further ado let’s get started.
Our first creative we would like to spotlight is Kamourian King. She is the creator/artist/writer of Blazerin! We personally enjoy her art style, especially how she draws her characters! Here’s a little bit about Kamourian King and her comic!
Kamourian King
“I am Kamourian King or Kam. I have always been super crafty and artsy. Getting into comics and drawing them was pretty natural. Growing up I studied art and comics, perfecting my stories and characters. In 2012 I had my daughter, Aurora, and my life changed forever. My passion, my ambitions, my future, everything amplified. Everything I did wasn’t for myself anymore; it was for her. I wanted to pass down my legacy…
My comic:
Title: Blazerin
Jayson, “Lord Blazerin”, was born a rare Jadorian, the only elemental to wield fire. As everyone feared and bullied Jayson, Jade, a water Jadorian befriended him. As their relationship grew, so did their powers and Jaysons’ destiny.”
Thank you for sharing Kamourian King! I wish you nothing for the best for you and your daughter as you create your legacy and share upon the world your beautiful story! Keep up the great work! Below are her links and we recommend following and supporting this amazing creative!
Next up we would like to introduce you to Bwillett Comics. She has created a number of comics and are extremely supportive of other creatives, often up lifting them on social media and even suggesting for us to feature Kamourian King. This time it is our turn to shine the spotlight on her so without further ado let’s hear what Bwillett comic has to share with us all!
Bwillett Comics
“Bwillettt Comics is an independent disabled comic creator out of Colorado who was been doing webcomics for 20 years. She got her start doing the fan series Cardcaptor Torika based off of the anime Cardcaptors. Her first original series was a magical girl manga called The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Bwillett currently has three ongoing series, the long running horror comic Midnight Menagerie, the video game love story The Final Boss’s Son Loves the Protagonist and the fantasy comedy Villains Dress Better. Bwillett Comics works are a combination of absurdist humor, trope subversion and unique genre blending with queer and non-conventionally attractive characters resulting in titles and characters that weirdly endearing and emotive. You’ll start a story scratching your head or laughing at the silliness of it, only to be drawn by characters you genuinely will care for.”
Bwillett comics loves to create, and you’ll have to visit their links to follow and read all of her wonderful creations. So, by all means go support this awesome creative and watch as she supports you back! Thank you again for all you do Bwillett!
Official site (To read all of her comics)
Twitter (X)
Now for these next two spotlight entries we have a bit of a surprise. If you haven’t seen as of late, Kanme Studios is in a growing phase. We would like to announce that we just added what will be our final two artist to the creative team, it will be a bit before we pick up anyone else ^^;
The first artist and creative we would like to introduce to you all is SaLi. She is joining the team and is working with her senpai Courtea as the duo looks prepare for trouble and make it double, not really or maybe. Expect to see her contributions to the studio very soon as she is already hard at work in Kanme Studios. Let’s learn a bit about who is SaLi.
“It’s me, ya girl SaLi, simp of tall anime men and farming sim enjoyer.
I love to create comics and character art. Creating with others, though, is one of my favorites: I love to experience artistic chemistry –MAGIC, truly. We souls of this earth unite to manifest into this world unique and precious progeny of the heart. If that doesn’t make us wizards, I logged into the wrong server. Kanme Studios court wizard, at your service!”
SaLi is pulling out with her bag of wizardry magics and we can’t wait to show the world what bubbly art concoctions she’ll brew up! She also enjoys the occasional memes so she may be a lord of sort, maybe a meme queen but you’ll have to wait and see. We are glad to have you on the team and if you would like to work with her on your next project then reach out to us [Kanme Studios]! Also don’t forget to support and follow her socials!
Deviant Art
SaLi website
Last but not least, we would like to introduce our final addition to the Kanme Studios team and put the spotlight on Ash Kohari!
Ash Kohari is an French indie artist who is the creator of 9mm girls. Ash has traveled the world and currently resides in Canada with her partner. So, with all that being said let’s learn who Ash Kohari is!
Ash Kohari
“I’m Ash Kohari, part of the SK6 artist duo with my wife.
I’m the creator of the manga 9mm Girls.
A 18+ urban fantasy action with a LGBTQ+ cast and female leads, showing off how badass they are on bikes, behind the wheel of a school bus and how they kick the butts of very well dressed office demons.
I’ve been in the comic making for several years now, starting seriously around 2015. I have many dead projects behind me, failing because of multiple reasons. So, after roughly 4 dead or abandoned projects I can tell with certainty that 9mm Girls is my bloody Magnum Opus.
Beside doing this project, I’ve been working in different creative studios doing animation and background jobs for various TV shows. As well as teaching different art topics at Uni.
Currently trying to get out of there to fully focus on getting works as a comic/background artist while keeping at drawing my edgy story with kick-ass girls.
I’m very food motivated too.”
I totally vibe with that last statement food is a great motivator! Thank you for sharing Ash, I totally get failing but never giving up! 9mm is a stellar comic but remember folks it is 18+. Welcome Ash Kohari to the Kanme Studios team and she’ll be working with us fairly soon on upcoming projects, maybe one of yours if you decide to work with us [Kanme Studios]. For the time being check out Ash’s socials and links!
Twitter (X)
9mm Girls [18+]
Art Station
That about wraps it up for us here! Thank you very much ladies for sharing who you are with us all. We hope you enjoyed the read and discovered some new creatives who are just like you! We’ll be back with another Kanme Studios Spotlight next month so keep your eyes peeled, until then take care!