Weekly Blog #10
Posted on March 7, 2021 at 6:06 pm by Yam
Ah man here we go again hahaha. I forgot to post my “weekly blog” last week. I swear I might as well make it a bi-weekly blog. It’s hard to do it sometimes because I love to relax on the weekend. I was also very busy writing last week so I’ll go into that a little later. I hoping this year a lot of the things we are doing help get more attention. I would love to just create for a living but I have to work and keep a roof over my family’s head. Anywho enough of that let’s go right to the dev stuff.
So last week and this week I have been working on Boom Shaka Chp 2. If you haven’t read the first six pages of Boom Shaka I invite you to check it out at our Gumroad store. If you purchase the Deluxe edition you’ll get all whole bunch of goodies and chapter 2 when it is completed.
It was fun to just sit and write and just let the words flow. Now that the draft has been completed we are working on the editing process. I can tell you all we like what we have so far and we hope you will too!
Janto keeps moving along and by next week the all pages should be colored how exciting, at least for us it is. There still a long way to go before Janto is ready to be released. After we are done with Boom Shaka our focus will solely be on this project until it’s release. We will be working on creating additional social medias for the project, making final edits and also working on the lore of the story. I should have something to share within the weeks.
Lastly as mentioned before we will be doing a FF7 fancomic, it will be a continuation of. The announcement of the DLC has us excited to play the shinobi from Wutai. We’ll be working on that soon!
That’s all we have for the week. I hope you all are staying safe! As always love your fellow man woman, they/them, and most importantly wear a mask!