Hey, what’s Kanme reading?  6-12-2024

Hey, what’s Kanme reading?  

Wednesday : 06-12-2024


What’s Kanme reading? Posted every Wednesday Team Kanme Creatives team is here to get you over the weekday blues because we all  love comics! It’s true! And we really love Indie comics. Indies offer the most diverse and fearless storytelling among comics, why? Because we can! We are always inspired by the community around us and we want to start recognizing the comics we love to read. 


Welcome to Pride Month!  We are continuing our  recommendations of  Indie LGBTQA comics and Comic Creators! While we’re glad to have this happy month to celebrate we hope you support Queer Comics all year round!  


Our first recommendation from the Team Kanme is: 


HellCats : Strike Force Creator : Lucky Red Comics

HellCats : Strike force

What we know:  This sci-fi military action comic has space war but it also has Love?! Meet the pilots, hot shot Venus born  Lt. Ashley Elway and By the book Star Force Legacy Ensign Katie Beauchamp aka  ‘Iceskater’ and ‘ Vulture. They learn to work together as a team in the Star Force while deep in uncharted space on combat missions, there are threatening aliens The Velox , damning conspiracies and  a work partnership that turns into something more. 

What we Love :  I grew up a Trekie, and was enamored with Space Pirate Captain Harlock’s My Youth in Arcadia. So Space Opera/Space Military stuff is right up my alley! The writing is great, you jump right in and you don’t feel confused or left out, you get it the moment you read page 1 and that for me is the best, when you can join into the world without hesitation. The art has a lot of great action scenes and it improves as issues go long. I like that the story is intercut with propaganda posters and the info pages don’t feel like an interruption, nor like a big infodump either. It reminds me of the file cards I’d get with a G.I Joe toy in the 80’s. We’d read those “files” and then play with the action figure. Maybe we can get some IceSkater and Vulture action figures?? Check out all the comics Lucky Red Comics produce and sign up for their newsletter!. 


Across your Shattered Sky Creator : Mirror Realm Productions 


What we know : I used the GlobalComix link because while this comic is on several platforms, webtoon has censored it. GC has the uncensored version. This is a hypnotic, psychological, dark fantasy. An exploration of amnesiac Kyo ‘s world as he and  his beloved friend Sora share their dark secrets, learn of love and discover their inner demons might not be imaginary.


What we love:  To use the world hypnotic again, the art has that effect, hypnotic-vivid- it draws you in-pulling in and you can easily binge read the series because you won’t want to stop reading even for a moment! You’ll read this with your eyes wide open, and get lost within this comic’s world! Perfect story suited to its perfect art- and Kudos to the team that supports this Brilliant Creator, as they are ALL doing an amazing job!  Read where you can, but I prefer Global Comix! 


Tiny Supernova Creator : Carlos Gare 

Tiny Supernova

What we know : In this romance/slice of life comic when Tom describes love, he tells everyone it should “Feel like a tiny supernova in your chest” and that sounds pretty good to me!

What we Love: The art style rocks, it’s smooth and damn near perfect. Much like the comics I recommend weekly, this is one of the many great comics that just are instantly bingeable!  TS  is cute and also comforting in a way, a great comfort read. Check it out on Webtoon, you’ll fall in love with it. 



Riley : Bad Things For The Right Reasons Creator : Riley


What we know:  Riley is a space age  mercenary that works for Government Inc, an Assassin who takes care of her deadly business with a coldhearted ease. The comic has a  great tagline : “ If you go far enough to do the right thing, is it still right?’ 

What we Love:  A fast paced story with plenty of bloody good action! Riley has a great character design with unique scars on her face, and a vivid bright green jumpsuit. While reading the several issues, I think I may have seen an Ernest Borgnine cameo? A Cheers tv show Reference ? Reading is also getting to see a few great in-jokes in the background. Riley is complicated, sure she leaves a trail of blood and bodies in the hunt for her paycheck but you get the real sense that this is all robotic- it’s not her, it’s her coping mechanism with the ice cold world around her, caught up in being too good at what she does, why does it feel bad? The last issues were in 2023, and I really hope we have more to read soon! There are 15 issues to catch up with on GlobalComix!   


Come back and get more comic recommendations next Wednesday!


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