Pawesome Gatitos on Short Break due to medical emergency

Hey all, Yam here. I have some most unfortunate news to share with you all today. First, and most important, Vivi, the main artist of Pawesome Gatitos is ill. She had contracted dengue fever a month ago and the effects of it have been hard on her. She’s currently in the hospital on rest until she feels better. Please send good wishes to her through Twitter or IG and feel free to donate if you wish to our KO-FI page.

Secondly, Pawesome Gatitos will be on a hiatus until Vivi feels better and can work on pages again, currently there is no timetable on when we’ll have new pages. She asks if you could support the kickstarter by following the prelaunch page and keep only good thoughts for her as she recovers. Thank you for all the support we’ve received for Pawesome Gatitos.

Lastly, she was working on keychains for EVO. Unfortunately, she will not be able to complete the list of keychains she had intended to. She was only able to finish 6 of the Tekken Presets before falling ill. Vivi’s daughter and good friend Chairim have stepped into to help finish the 6 keychains she completed so please support her work on that front when pre orders become live.

We ask that you keep only good thoughts and vibes for Vivi as she works to recover. We wish you a swift and fast recovery friend!


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