Weekly Blog #10

Ah man here we go again hahaha. I forgot to post my “weekly blog” last week. I swear I might as well make it a bi-weekly blog. It’s hard to do it sometimes because I love to relax on the weekend. I was also very busy writing last week so I’ll go into that a little later. I hoping this year a lot of the things we are doing help get more attention. I would love to just create for a living but I have to work and keep a roof over my family’s head. Anywho enough of that let’s go right to the dev stuff. So last week and this week I have been working on Boom Shaka Chp 2. If you haven’t read the first six pages of Boom Shaka I invite you to check it out at our Gumroad store. If you purchase the Deluxe edition you’ll get all whole bunch of goodies and chapter 2 when […]

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Weekly Blog #9

Ack I forgot my blog post last week bad on me. I always knew I would forget and procrastinate. I’d promise to do better but meh. This week I didn’t forget. Let me recap what has happened development wise on our end. So first and foremost we have continued to work on Janto Kanme. We are working on the logo and a few lore based material which we hope to show very soon on the site to give readers a preview and insight into the story. Smalldoodleguy is working on coloring the pages and moving it to it’s final draft. We still aim to get it out by at least this summer. So I ask you all to plays hold out, it’ll be worth it! Last week we posted our next installment of Jojo Fan comics. It was well received by many and was also a pseudo valentines day comic. Our next fan comic will refocus on Final Fantasy 7 […]

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Weekly Blog #8

Hey all, Yam here. Sorry if this is a bit late but it’s been a rather somber week for me. My grandmother on my father’s side passed and it’s been pretty draining to deal with. My emotions are all over the place and the fact that my grandma is gone is hitting me in a way I never thought. I do get bit better day by day and I’m trying to keep my head on straight, it’s what my abuela would want. I do have a few updates for you all. We are working on two new fan comics. We will be working with Trash Tom again on another Mandalorian Comic. It’s still in the beginning stages and as we work through it I’ll keep you all updated. The 2nd fan comic we are working is you guessed it, another JoJo fan comic. This one should hopefully make you smile and laugh a bit, but don’t take my work for […]

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Weekly Blog #7

Hello all, Yam here. I hope you all had a great week. Here in the metropolitan area of DC we got snow! It’s been a few years since we actually got a good amount of snow that wasn’t just a dusting. I took my son out to play and it was neat to see him enjoy himself. Anywho let’s get to it. This week I continued to work with the team on Janto Kanme. We launched the facebook page and will continue to spread across social media. Our plan is to have Janto Kanme on Twitter and on Instagram. We’ll also dust off our Patreon as well so you guys can start seeing behind the scene/WiP pages. We worked on a placeholder banner for Janto Kanme which I’m sure if not go check out the Janto Kanme post. For this comic I’ve been writing a lot of the character profiles and finalizing a lot of the location and lore for […]

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Janto Kanme

Today we would like to break the news on Kanme Studios latest comic Janto Kanme. The namesake of our site comes from this particular webcomic as it is near and dear to Yam. We plan to release it late spring early summer of 2021! We’ll have more details about the story as time goes on but for now is the work in progress title header. Let us know what you think! Be sure to follow our Facebook Page

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