Posts tagged Comics

3 results

Hey, what’s Kanme reading?  6-12-2024

Hey, what’s Kanme reading?   Wednesday : 06-12-2024   What’s Kanme reading? Posted every Wednesday Team Kanme Creatives team is here to get you over the weekday blues because we all  love comics! It’s true! And we really love Indie comics. Indies offer the most diverse and fearless storytelling among comics, why? Because we can! We are always inspired by the community around us and we want to start recognizing the comics we love to read.    Welcome to Pride Month!  We are continuing our  recommendations of  Indie LGBTQA comics and Comic Creators! While we’re glad to have this happy month to celebrate we hope you support Queer Comics all year round!     Our first recommendation from the Team Kanme is:    HellCats : Strike Force Creator : Lucky Red Comics HellCats : Strike force What we know:  This sci-fi military action comic has space war but it also has Love?! Meet the pilots, hot shot Venus born  Lt. Ashley Elway […]


Hey! What’s Kanme reading?  06-05-2024  

Blog :  Hey, what’s Kanme reading?   Wednesday : 06-05-2024  What’s Kanme reading? Posted every Wednesday Team Kanme Creatives team is here to get you over the weekday blues because we all  love comics! It’s true! And we really love Indie comics. Indies offer the most diverse and fearless storytelling among comics, why? Because we can! We are always inspired by the community around us and we want to start recognising the comics we love to read.   Welcome to Pride Month!  We’ll do recommendations of  Indie LGBTQA comics and Comic Creators! While we’re glad to have this happy month to celebrate we hope you support Queer Comics all year round like we do!     Our first recommendation from the Team Kanme is:      Coming to the Lavender:  Creator : Laylebelle97  Coming to the Lavender What we know:  Aaron was on a summer road trip and never expected to be snatched by a Cult of Creepies who were hell bent on […]

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JAZZ: Juggernauts Against Zealous Zealots is headed to Kickstarter!

Great news from the Kanme Studio camp: Christopher Curtis is preparing to release JAZZ: Juggernauts Against Zealous Zealots on Kickstarter! It looks like he has a lot of rewards in store for all backers, including variant, covers from an artist you might be really familiar with on Kanme Studios! We’re excited about the eventual celebration of this well-funded book and can’t wait to see what’s available on this Kickstarter. If you’d like to help, please click here and click notify me so that you can be one of the many who get notified when this Kickstarter opens. I hear there’s a cheap tier for early backers…

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