Kanme Comic Updates 6/19/2024

Hey all, this past week the following comics updated on Kanme! The latest pages of Happy Go Gothy updated this past week on Kanme. The page 6 through 9 of chp 13 are up to read. A new update is slated to happen this week for current readers. If you’re a new one then consider reading from the start, it’s one comic you won’t easily put down! Aub Diamant is reuploading American Prince with updated illustrations for the first chapter! Check it out and keep your eyes on the comic as it is slated to update fairly soon! Lastly Pawesome Gatitos is on hiatus and the announcement of this break can be found here. Vivi is currently on the mend and we’ll continue on with the story and kickstarter fairly if all goes well. That’s if or this week and happy reading all!

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Hey, what’s Kanme reading? 06-19-2024

Hey, what’s Kanme reading?   Wednesday : 06-19-2024   What’s Kanme reading? Posted every Wednesday Team Kanme Creatives team is here to get you over the weekday blues because we all  love comics! It’s true! And we really love Indie comics. Indies offer the most diverse and fearless storytelling among comics, why? Because we can! We are always inspired by the community around us and we want to start recognizing the comics we love to read.   Welcome to Pride Month!  We are continuing our  recommendations of  Indie LGBTQA comics and Comic Creators! While we’re glad to have this happy month to celebrate we hope you support Queer Comics all year round!     Our first recommendation from the Team Kanme is:  Lady of Gollerus Creator : Beeberrymuffin The Lady  What we Know : This queer cast of outcasts, features a Captain and his not so infamous or famous Ghost Ship the Lady of Gollerus while he, 1st Mate Minho, and their band […]

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Pawesome Gatitos on Short Break due to medical emergency

Hey all, Yam here. I have some most unfortunate news to share with you all today. First, and most important, Vivi, the main artist of Pawesome Gatitos is ill. She had contracted dengue fever a month ago and the effects of it have been hard on her. She’s currently in the hospital on rest until she feels better. Please send good wishes to her through Twitter or IG and feel free to donate if you wish to our KO-FI page. Secondly, Pawesome Gatitos will be on a hiatus until Vivi feels better and can work on pages again, currently there is no timetable on when we’ll have new pages. She asks if you could support the kickstarter by following the prelaunch page and keep only good thoughts for her as she recovers. Thank you for all the support we’ve received for Pawesome Gatitos. Lastly, she was working on keychains for EVO. Unfortunately, she will not be able to complete the […]

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Hey, what’s Kanme reading?  6-12-2024

Hey, what’s Kanme reading?   Wednesday : 06-12-2024   What’s Kanme reading? Posted every Wednesday Team Kanme Creatives team is here to get you over the weekday blues because we all  love comics! It’s true! And we really love Indie comics. Indies offer the most diverse and fearless storytelling among comics, why? Because we can! We are always inspired by the community around us and we want to start recognizing the comics we love to read.    Welcome to Pride Month!  We are continuing our  recommendations of  Indie LGBTQA comics and Comic Creators! While we’re glad to have this happy month to celebrate we hope you support Queer Comics all year round!     Our first recommendation from the Team Kanme is:    HellCats : Strike Force Creator : Lucky Red Comics HellCats : Strike force What we know:  This sci-fi military action comic has space war but it also has Love?! Meet the pilots, hot shot Venus born  Lt. Ashley Elway […]

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Kanme Comic Updates 6/11/2024

Hey all this past week the following comics updated on Kanme! The latest chapter of Happy Go Gothy updated this past week on Kanme. The cover of chp 13 up to page 5 are up to read. A new update is slated to happen this week for current readers. If you’re a new one then consider reading from the start, it’s one comic you won’t easily put down!

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Hey! What’s Kanme reading?  06-05-2024  

Blog :  Hey, what’s Kanme reading?   Wednesday : 06-05-2024  What’s Kanme reading? Posted every Wednesday Team Kanme Creatives team is here to get you over the weekday blues because we all  love comics! It’s true! And we really love Indie comics. Indies offer the most diverse and fearless storytelling among comics, why? Because we can! We are always inspired by the community around us and we want to start recognising the comics we love to read.   Welcome to Pride Month!  We’ll do recommendations of  Indie LGBTQA comics and Comic Creators! While we’re glad to have this happy month to celebrate we hope you support Queer Comics all year round like we do!     Our first recommendation from the Team Kanme is:      Coming to the Lavender:  Creator : Laylebelle97  Coming to the Lavender What we know:  Aaron was on a summer road trip and never expected to be snatched by a Cult of Creepies who were hell bent on […]

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Kanme Comic Updates! 6/04/24

This past week these are the following comics that updated! Mortify is back with some new pages! Pit-Face continues chapter two with page 18-20! It’s a great story and if you haven’t read it, you can start here and catch up with what’s been going on! Looking forward to more updates from this awesome series! Pawesome Gatitos updated with its 56 episode! Gatitos also has a kickstarter in prelaunch with 11 followers thus far. If you haven’t personally read any of Pawesome Gatitos then check it out by reading it here! That’s it for the update from last week, happy reading all!

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Hey! What’s Kanme reading? May 29th 2024

Blog :  Hey, what’s Kanme reading?   Wednesday :    Blog : 05/29/2024     What’s Kanme reading? Posted every Wednesday Team Kanme Creatives team is here to get you over the weekday blues because we all  love comics! It’s true! And we really love Indie comics. Indies offer the most diverse and fearless storytelling among comics, why? Because we can! We are always inspired by the community around us and we want to start recognizing the comics we love to read.    Every week we’re going to recommend comics we are reading to you.   Our first recommendation from the Team Kanme is:  The Skeleton Crew : Creator Batsmarvelous  The Skeleton Crew What we know :  Two outsiders : Ezra a lost human and Nhim ( short for Nhimrod) , the bone headed son of  the nightmarish Lord Grimm are brought together in ‘The Between’ by cosmic indifference in this insanely funny and inventive comic.      What we love: From the […]

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Kanme Comic Updates! 5/28/24

This past week the following comics updated on Kanme Studios Happy Go Gothy updated with chapter 12 with pages 11-18 of that chapter available to read! If you haven’t read the series yet you can start here! Pawesome Gatitos updated with Episode #55! Be sure to follow the comic’s Kickstarter as well! If you haven’t read this series yet you can start here! The latest pages of Aub Diamant American Prince updated with pages 60-65 from the Opportunities Arc. If you haven’t read the series then start here! That’s all for last week! Happy reading ya’ll!

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Hey! What’s Kanme reading? May 22nd 2024

Blog :  Hey, what’s Kanme reading?   Wednesday :    Blog : 05/22/2024     What’s Kanme reading? Posted every Wednesday Team Kanme Creatives team is here to get you over the weekday blues because we all  love comics! It’s true! And we really love Indie comics. Indies offer the most diverse and fearless storytelling among comics, why? Because we can! We are always inspired by the community around us and we want to start recognizing the comics we love to read.    Every week we’re going to recommend comics we are reading to you.    Our first recommendation from the Team Kanme is:  Loving Wings : Creator Elf Grafix    Loving Wings  What we know : We’ve been following this comic for a while. It’s a slow burn romance between  the shy, quiet Jessica and  big hunky himbo Michael, but Michael has a secret : he is an Angel,  a Big burly angel of biblical proportions! What we love: The staffer […]

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